Tuesday 13 March 2012

First outdoor run..3.6K!!!

Hello Hello! 
I have been MIA for a bit, but I have exciting news! First, huge thanks to Tara for pulling me through last Wednesday afternoon. I went for my first outdoor run with a runner (Tara). I was sooo scared! sweaty palms, worried that I wouldn't be able to go at a "runners" pace; the fear...I felt it!!

I have to take a video footage next time, because I can easily teach 3 zumba classes in a row or power through bootcamp...but get me outside...windy day...various inclines...and with a running partner...I was huffing and puffing!!! As I sit here and think about it, I want to laugh now, but I couldn't wait till we power walked. I was making all sorts of noises and had a lot of difficulty trying to maintain proper breathing. Something that I am working on now. 

The next day after my outdoor run, my abs felt sore...like I did 1000 sit ups-not that I have done 1000, but I assume that is what it would feel like. 

I cannot wait...CANNOT WAIT! Yes, I said that I can't wait till our next run is.  After we finished our run, and  had a stretch session, I became overwhelmed with emotion, happy emotions. The feeling like I had just climbed the highest mountain and I was at the tip of that mountain feeling like I have overcome a huge fear! 

I feel so blessed. Thank you TC!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you. I know what it means to have a support system, a buddy runner - ahh Bliss
