Monday 27 February 2012

It's what I DO with that rock...

My first week down and onto the next.

I found last week a bit tiresome not so much the running but finding the time to get down to the gym. This week, I need to get the schedule out and plan ahead...

As I run for my little spurts of 1.5 min then walk, I'm thinking about the final 5K...sometimes fear, sometimes happiness pops in. But then I realised, these next 6 weeks might get harder but quitting is not an option Nazia! I have started up many run programs before, but after 1 or 2 weeks, I'm not there mentally. This time I feel different...whether its this blogg or accountability...I am feeling good about this.

So...this is for the tough days, the one where its 6am or 11pm and I need to fit that run in no matter what...

"What is the difference between a stepping stone and stumbling stone? Well, one might say a stepping stone takes you from point A to point B, and you progress as you move further.  However a stumbling stone is one that trips you, makes you angry, perhaps flustered. BUT in actual fact, a stepping stone and stumbling stone are all the same...they are simply just rocks. It is what you do with that rock is what makes the difference"

This was said by my bereavement counsellor on Tuesday..and I feel that you can use it in all aspects of your, fitness, mind...etc. 

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