Monday 26 March 2012

Sand bags week....

So I slacked last week on running because I still feel like there are sand bags connected to my legs... just as a little change, I tried Nelly's Turbo Kick at South Common Community Centre.  Amazing!! She really kicked my behind for sure!! Got that spark to get back at it this week to get back out on the road on my running program.  I look at runners as they so graciously swoosh by me as I sit in my car at the red light and can not wait to have that endurance and stamina to be able to run for longer periods of time. I will get there very soon.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

First outdoor run..3.6K!!!

Hello Hello! 
I have been MIA for a bit, but I have exciting news! First, huge thanks to Tara for pulling me through last Wednesday afternoon. I went for my first outdoor run with a runner (Tara). I was sooo scared! sweaty palms, worried that I wouldn't be able to go at a "runners" pace; the fear...I felt it!!

I have to take a video footage next time, because I can easily teach 3 zumba classes in a row or power through bootcamp...but get me outside...windy day...various inclines...and with a running partner...I was huffing and puffing!!! As I sit here and think about it, I want to laugh now, but I couldn't wait till we power walked. I was making all sorts of noises and had a lot of difficulty trying to maintain proper breathing. Something that I am working on now. 

The next day after my outdoor run, my abs felt I did 1000 sit ups-not that I have done 1000, but I assume that is what it would feel like. 

I cannot wait...CANNOT WAIT! Yes, I said that I can't wait till our next run is.  After we finished our run, and  had a stretch session, I became overwhelmed with emotion, happy emotions. The feeling like I had just climbed the highest mountain and I was at the tip of that mountain feeling like I have overcome a huge fear! 

I feel so blessed. Thank you TC!